Friday, April 30, 2010

Etsy Treasury - Flew the Coop!

Hey, I'm in my first Etsy Treasury! 
Etsians will often create a theme and select
different Etsy items and list them in a "Treasury."
Someone picked my Eggs sign for their
chicken theme Treasury!  How fun!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Faux Antique Portrait Signs

I really enjoy making old fashioned signs.
These are some I've made in the past.
I love to incorporate portraits into my faux antique signs.
Since Rochester, New York's history is so rich with
interesting people, I'd love to do a series of Rochester
icons and hang them in public buildings around town. 
Both Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
lived and died in Rochester, NY.
Frederick Douglass was a member of the
New York Anti-Slavery Society and the
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society.
I made this sign when I lived in Massachusetts.
I have some ideas for my next vintage style signs.....
I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mary Poppins

I'm at my client's house painting a squiggle border
around these armoire doors.
They are for a built-in armoire designed by Arthur Vitoch
These doors are huge and weigh a ton!  I had to get the guys
who work at the house to move them to the foyer for me. 
I have to paint them lying flat on sawhorses so the
enamel paint can settle nicely.
That Poppins woman would love these!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stella Luna

When I'm working at my client's house, I always look forward to
taking their dog out for a walk.  First we walk up the long drive.
She's a Portuguese Water Dog so she's always attracted to water.
She always likes to stand in a puddle and have a drink. 
Even if the water's muddy, she doesn't mind.
Then we walk back to the Lake side of the house....
...and have a look at the Lake.
Stella likes to look at the Lake with me.  It's beautiful and relaxing.

Stella's a cute doggy!  She's royalty.  She has a distant relative
in the White House!
I love when she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes.
Next, we go inside and she has a bite to eat.
Then she sits on her bed and chews her rawhide.
I let her chew for awhile before she has to go back in her crate.

Then I go back to working on a project in the house. 
If I'm finished for the day, I go home.

Painting Checkers

This is where I've been lately, out on Lake Ontario.
I've been painting murals, stencilling, and doing other decorative
painting at this house on and off for the last year and a half.
Right now I'm working on finishing a painted
built-in armoire designed by Arthur Vitoch.
Painting lots and lots of checkers....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

House Number Sign

My friend's Mom wants a number sign for her house.
This seems to be the perfect spot to attach the sign to the house. 
Will have to cut the ivy to make room for the sign. 
She wants a white sign with dark brown letters.
The shape of the sign will mimick the decorative lattice.
Yup.  Like this.....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Springtime Signs Started

I started making some small springtime theme signs.  I was thinking of "Eggs" and "Nest", but my boyfriend suggested "Nestegg".  Good idea!

I'll show them to you when they're finished......

Captain's Log Spring 2010

Testing, testing, one, two! This is my very first blog. Welcome to Phases of the Moonblossom! With this blog I will try and record all of my artistic doings to share with you.....